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Buy Hemotag-A Capsules

12 in stock

Best Price:76.00

Hemotag-A Capsules Summary

    • Manufacturer: Ikon Remedies Pvt Ltd
    • Item Alias: Khajoor Extract, Kasis Bhasma, Mandur Bhasma, Sahjan Extract, Kukkutandtwak Bhasma, Ashwagandha Extract, Satavari Extract, Punarnava Extract, Gokharu Extract, Guduchi Extract, Trikatu Extract, Triphala Extract, Swarna Makshik Bhasma, Yashad Bhasma, Dalchini Extract

Hemotag-A Capsules Description:

Anemia is usually a mild or temporary condition, however, some types of anemia are severe and long-term. Some individuals, like those who are suffering from conditions like Thalassemia or Sickle Cell Anemia, are anemic from their birth. Such people’s bodies genetically inherit difficulty in producing RBCs or specific parts of RBCs. But, the greatest number of the people suffering from this condition of anemia become anemic over time because of not consuming foods that are rich in Vitamin B12 or iron, both of which, along with folate, is required for the production of healthy RBCs.

General symptoms of Anemia are feeling of tiredness or exhaustion, shortness of breath, feeling dizzy, pale skin, cold hands & feet, irregular palpitation, headaches & loss of appetite.

Hemotag-A Capsules are created with the perfect blend of selected Ayurvedic herbs which help in treating anemic condition.  This capsule regulates the absorption of hematopoietic factors and thus prevents iron deficiency and nutritional anemia.

Herbs present in Hemotag-A Capsules keeps GI tract healthy, increases appetite and improves digestive system which will enhance the bio-availability of the hematopoietic functions.  This is a 100% safe hematinic capsule offering exceptional and exclusive benefits. This unique combination provides excellent hematinic effects & increases hemoglobin levels. Hemotag-A Capsules contains ingredients that are helpful in iron metabolism, maintain bone integrity & improves RBC count in blood.

Directions for Use:

One capsule twice daily preferably before meals with warm water for at least 3 months or as directed by the Physician. It is safe for all age groups and all type of anaemic conditions.


It contains natural ingredients like Khajoor, Sahjan, Ashwagandha, Satavari & Punarnava
Detoxification of blood
Provides plant based iron for ready absorption
Suitable for both men & women
Safe for long term use

Safety Instructions:

“Read the label instruction carefully before use.

Keep away from children.

Avoid usage in case you are allergic to any of the ingredients mentioned on the product pack.

Keep in a cool and dry place, away from direct sunlight.

As directed by the Physician.”

Key Ingredients:

Khajoor Extract, Kasis Bhasma, Mandur Bhasma, Sahjan Extract, Kukkutandtwak Bhasma, Ashwagandha Extract, Satavari Extract, Punarnava Extract, Gokharu Extract, Guduchi Extract, Trikatu Extract, Triphala Extract, Swarna Makshik Bhasma, Yashad Bhasma, Dalchini Extract